TYP end of year retreat
Posted in Stories from Zimbabwe
17 September 2021
This year’s retreat was held at Tariro House because of covid19 restrictions on travel. We spent the day praying, meditating and reflecting on how far we have come as a family.
As you might all know that this is also an occasion when we adopt a new theme that will carry us through the new year which begins in September .
Our theme for the coming year is creating AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE within us.
This simply means that we must express thankfulness and appreciation at all times for the big and small things in our lives. It also means being grateful as a family for TYP which is a place of abundance and not of scarcity.
We have been taught to be grateful and thankful for everything we have, so our theme is based on 1 Thessalonians 5vs 16 -18 which says ‘always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.’
We ended our day with a braai, and had good time together as a family.
Having said all this we would like to appreciate all your efforts of sacrificial love and your endless support that you always show toward this family.
We are truly thankful and grateful for everything you do and may God continue to bless you in abundance.
Thank you,
TYP House, Harare, September 2019
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