Easter update: exam results, sugar beets, pigs and renovations
Posted in Fundraising, Updates
26 April 2022
Dear Friends
As Easter approaches I would like you to have some news of Tariro. Here are some highlights:
- The Honde farm is going well. A new crop of sugar beans has been planted and in a few weeks has already covered the land and is flourishing. Some new pigs have been bought; a boar and some females ‘in pig’ and we look forward to some happy births soon.
- The first stage of renovating Shearly Cripps Children’s Home has been completed. The children are thrilled with their working toilets, showers and new windows. We have also provided funding (from a parish in South Carolina) to restart the garden with cabbages, onions, carrots, beans and chickens. Soon the kids will be enjoying much better food.
- Exam results produced some very pleasing grades. Lamek Mhondi got distinctions for all 4 subjects at his agricultural college. Two boys got 2 As and a B in their A levels. Sadly, there were two very poor results from youngsters I had expected to do well. We will of course help them find a way forward.
- The boy from an abusive home (see December letter) did very well in his exams and is now happily in boarding school. Four Tariro supporters have joined together in guaranteeing his fees.
New Appeal
I have had this appeal from Fr Luke Chigwanda for a girl who needs our help:
“I am writing to share with you information on Ruvarashe Laura Chisamba, a student at Bonda Girls High who is in need of assistance with school fees. Ruvarashe is in Form Four. Her mother died when she was still very young and her father who is partially deaf is not formally employed. Currently, Ruvarashe is a day scholar and is staying with an aunt who works at the hospital, who might be away on off days and on leave. Recently, when she was alone at home, an intruder broke into the house and she screamed for help. The intruder, whose intention could have been to abuse the girl, fled without causing her any physical harm. However, Ruvarashe was traumatized. I am one of those who rushed to the scene because I was at Bonda on that particular day. It is risky and traumatizing for her to walk home from school after evening study and to be at home alone at night. For the sake of the protection of the girl child, putting her in boarding will be very helpful to ensure her safety. Ruvarashe has great potential.”
Fr Luke sent her results to us which are excellent – a string of As! We would like to take her on and it would cost about £1,200 over a year to provide all her needs. Would any of you like to offer a part of that so that we can help, as we did with the boy above? If so, please contact me directly and I can tell you more.
People have been amazingly generous and our bank balance is not bad. However, it is under pressure as inflation has hit Zimbabwe in various ways and our expenses there have spiralled alarmingly. So our bank balance has dropped rather quickly and will continue to do so unless we take action now.
I am always really touched by the generosity of our Tariro donors and don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, especially as you are probably helping others too. (Ukraine?) However, if you do feel able to send us a donation over Easter, or even better, offer a direct debit, we would be really grateful.
One of our regular sources of income has been parish churches and Covid has hit this. I know that most churches have experienced a considerable loss of income. Once again, if enough appears to help Tariro again that would be marvellous.
Finally, do please remember that putting us in your will brings a long term benefit. And telling other people about us also helps.
I am off to Zimbabwe on Easter Day, through Manchester Airport (prayers please that the chaos subsides!) so I hope to send updates on the work before long.
Have a very blessed Easter time knowing the joy of the Risen Lord.
Nicolas CR
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